Thoughtrek 💭🚶

Yuna Reada, RSS reader Telegram bot

Yuna Reada

An RSS reader Telegram bot
Subscribe to any RSS feed including your favorite blogs on Mataroa.

➕ /add - Add a feed, send 5 latest entries
➖ /remove - Remove a feed
🚫 /block - Block words
🟢 /unblock - Unblock words
📔 /blocked - List blocked words
📓 /list - List saved feeds
🌀 /refresh - Force refresh feeds
🛌 /cancel - Cancel command

If you have a Kindle, try The Kindler to send articles to your Kindle through Telegram.

I think this should be able to handle multiple users, but not having multiple Telegram accounts, I haven't tested it. Try here 👉 YunaReadaBot. This instance is what I'm personally currently using. Comment here or send an email if something breaks.
I'm not really sure about tagging. Best to ignore it as it seems confusing to use on Telegram.


Inspired by BazQux



Update 2023-11-30
Removed tagging features